Now to catch up fully and then take a little break, I will end today's posts with
'Westeros Fashion Week: Two' The Reach. Although not much is said about how the men dress, we can assume however, based off what we have seen of Loras Tyrell in Season Three of Game of Thrones, that they have some roots (heh heh) in Southern France, so I'm thinking frilly and colorful. What we do know however from the books, is that Margaery dressed in many floral prints. Many being an understatement. Seeing how Loras dresses in the show, gives us an impression the Tyrell Men dress similarly.
Now, I'm not to good at Mixing and Matching, and on the rare occasion that I do, I tend to fidget when I see my clothes. So, below is an outfit I found that may scream
Reach! To you!
::The Body::
Skin ~ *Birth* - Jack Skin (Straw)
Hair ~ .::S::. - Marcus (Umber)
Eyes ~ IKON 'Sunrise' - Hazel
::The Outfit::
The White Armory - Courtier Tunic Set
Sword ~ De La Soul - Valiant Thorne Sword